#FarmerFridays: Solon Gardens
Farmer Fridays Video Series: Solon Gardens
TGIFF! (Thank goodness it's Farmer Fridays!) Wander through Solon Gardens with us as we learn about the good work that Paul Halstead brings to the Cortland area. Veggies, perennials, annuals, and hanging baskets, oh my!
🛒 To learn more about Solon Garden, including where to purchase their products, please call (607) 836-8972 or visit the Cincinnatus Farmers Market.
🍴To connect with the Cortland Food Project, please visit their webpage.
⭐ To discover Cortland County's new local brand, Cortland Harvest, click here.
Why local means high quality and top-tier freshness…and more!
Paul, of Solon Gardens, mentioned that buying locally and straight from the source means that you often get something that was picked that morning, or the day before, instead of an item that has been sitting in a cooler for weeks at a time. Beyond freshness, there are a handful of other reasons why you may want to consider shifting your purchasing power to a local farmers’ market or farm. These benefits can include:
Increasing the jobs in your community
Reducing pollution and gas usually used in the transportation of those food items from field to store
Helping money stay in your community
Reducing the use of harmful chemicals, such as those used by larger food companies keep food “fresh” for long periods of time
Getting to know your neighbors
Increasing the nutrition on your plate, as food items that are in season and picked at its most ripe moment are known to be higher in vitamins and minerals content
Supporting small, family-run businesses
Lowering the chance of food-borne illnesses
Saving viable (farm) land and supporting land-use with a stewardship approach
With these items in mind— which are just a few of the many benefits of sourcing food that is closer to home — we will close this post with one of our favorite Wendell Berry quotes:
“A significant part of the pleasure of eating is in one’s accurate consciousness of the lives and the world from which food comes.”